Who is USERYKA ?
Over the last 10 years during my work on so-called "innovative" projects, I have noticed that most remained at the demonstrator stage, were rejected by the Operational, unsightly, almost infeasible in production, nebulous profitability and the plan validation does not exist.
Based on my training as an Engineer, my experience in industry, the management of my projects, and with my perspective as a Designer, I developed USERYKA, a structured and strategic methodology for Pre-projects, based on User Experience, Technical Architecture and Product-Process.
The objective is to make technology useful, used and usable by Humans.
​Whatever the project, I want Humans to be drawn, and that's why the little men who animate these pages. ​
Raised on comics, Star Wars, Marvel and Jules Verne, I can't help but dream. A former high-level athlete in acrobatic sports, I know that to achieve a result, work is necessary but also above all the Method, which in no way restricts imagination and creativity, quite the contrary, and those who who accompany me know this well.
​​​Master Design Industriel - STRATE DESIGN - Sèvres
Ingénieur Mécanique & Design Industriel UTC - Compiègne
Parcours professionnel
Aptitudes :
- Capacité de synthèse, de schématisation, de scénarisation
- Gestion de projets
- Maîtrise des sketchs, du dessin et outils PAO (Illustrator, Sketchbook)
- 3D Expert (SolidWorks, Alias, Keyshot)
- Forte expérience industrielle
Langues :
Français, Anglais, Italien
Autres :
- Prix Architecture de la Fondation Jacques ROUGERIE 2011 avec BAMB'LOON​​
- Secrétaire de la Fédération des Designers en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
- Adhérent au Cluster AQUITAINE ROBOTICS